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financial statements 2011
Notes on consolidated
financial statement
2. Operating Segments
The Group’s operations are steered and reported on
by the separate business areas which make up the fol-
lowing operating segments:
Print & Distribution:
the business area respon-
sible for complete graphic production services which,
in addition to printing services, include the following
value-added services: administration of registers and
databases, printing of changing information, and logis-
tics and storage solutions. The business area includes
the Finnish subsidiaries Edita Prima Oy and real estate
company Vantaan Hakamäenkuja. In Sweden, the
business area comprises the operations of Edita Västra
Aros AB, Arkpressen i Västerås AB and Kampanjfab-
riken AB, and a 33.33% holding in associate company
Edita Bobergs AB.
Marketing Services:
the business area responsible
for customer marketing production processes, which
include digital marketing communications, manipulation
and production of images and production of graphic
outsourcing services. The business area comprises the
Finnish subsidiary Citat Oy. In Sweden, the business
area comprises Citat AB, Mods Graphic Studio AB and
associate company Brandsystems International AB with
40% holding. In Ukraine, the business area comprises
Citat Ukraine LLC .
Editorial Communication:
the business area re-
sponsible for editing and producing stakeholder publi-
cations, the design and implementation of web services
and audiovisual production. In the 2010 financial year,
the business area comprised the Swedish subsidiaries
JG Communication AB and Journalistgrubben JG AB .
the business area responsible for
publishing books and subscriber publications and the
production of online, up-to-date information services
for companies and other entities. The business area
comprises the Finnish subsidiary Edita Publishing Oy.
Other Operations
includes the administrative
operations of Edita Sweden AB and the operations of
the parent company Edita Plc, which owns the Group’s
subsidiaries and steers the Group’s operations and
supports them with expert and administrative services.
Other operations also include smaller income from
co-called inactive companies, which have no actual
The Group has not combined operating segments
to form the reporting segments mentioned above.
Segment-based data is consolidated according to the
accounting principles (ifrs) applied on the Group level,
and reporting to the Board (the Chief Operating
Decision Maker) forms the basis of segment report-
ing. Figures for the operating segments are reported
and the company’s management uses these figures to
allocate the Group’s resources to the segments and to
assess their performance. Transfer prices between the
segments are based on market prices.
The segment’s assets and liabilities are operat-
ing items that the segments use in their operations.
Business segment assets comprise fixed assets, sales
receivables, receivables from long-term projects and
inventories and liabilities comprise accounts payable
as well as liabilities of long-term projects. All other
assets and liabilities are presented in unallocated items
in the reconciliation of segment information. The main
items in the monitoring and reporting of segments are
net revenue and operating profit/loss (described in
Note 1).