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in 2011,
Edita Publishing operated within the Publishing
business area in Finland. The business area’s net revenue was
eur 14.2 million (eur 14.8 million). Net revenue was under-
mined by austerity measures in the public sector and the post-
ponement of syllabus changes. In information services and
customer publishing, net revenue developed favorably. In
addition, the transfer of Edita Press' business operations to
Edita Publishing increased net revenue. Electronic products
of the company retained a healthy market position. The busi-
ness area’s operating profit was eur 3.0 million (eur 3.6 mil-
lion). The result was weakened by the declining net revenue in
learning materials. In addition, profitability was undermined
by major investments in product development of electronic
publications and new growth areas within the business, such as
communications services.
Serving many sectors
Edita Publishing is a publisher serving many sectors, offering
learning materials for junior high and senior high schools as
well as for vocational education and on-the-job learning. The
company provides the most comprehensive legal information
service in Finland, Edilex, and versatile literature and train-
ing services for professionals who need legal information. The
company also publishes the official journal of the Finnish state
and the printed Statutes of Finland and maintains the Finlex
and Hilma online information services.
Edita Publishing is renowned for its versatile publishing
and communications services that include commemorative
books, historical works, publication series, stakeholder maga-
zines and annual reports. In addition, it publishes non-fiction
books about history, society and well-being. The customers are
lawyers, tax consultants, teachers, health-care experts and any-
one who thirsts for high-quality information.
Edita Publishing produces learning materials that support edu-
cators in their work and are easy for students to understand. In
2011, the company continued to focus on business, technology,
social services and health care. Demand for junior high and
senior high school materials is significantly influenced by syllabus
changes, and no such changes took place in 2011. According
to the Finnish Book Publishers Association, the order volume
of junior high school textbooks grew by 1.3 per cent in early
2011, when measured as the number of books ordered.
The number of people needing up-to-date legal information
is increasing. More and more often, the publisher has to edit and
condense information for different channels, taking into account
the varying knowledge levels of the users. For instance, lawyers
are skilled in using information online. Nevertheless, printed
legal codes and commentaries are still important.
Edita Publishing also organizes training events for profes-
sional customer groups. In 2011, the company received posi-
tive feedback especially with regard to the expansion of the
Edilex Pro seminar series offering. The number of participants
per course grew in the fall.
In 2011, austerity measures have continued in the pub-
lic sector. These have also been reflected in Edita Publishing’s
operations as unexpected changes in demand. The company
has had to adapt to these changes, and it will need to adjust its
operations in the future, too, if cost-cutting trends in the pub-
lic sector continue.
Edita Publishing meets the requirements of its customers
regardless of the channels they choose. Its mission is to create,
select and edit information and distribute it in the channels
where customers can utilize it most easily. Edita Publishing has
not abandoned books or magazines, as they are still efficient
communication media. At the same time, the company is well
bu s i n e s s
p u b l i s h i n g
Content, editing and
We aim to satisfy the information needs of our customers and
to help them in their information-sharing tasks.
edita’s year 2011