Renewable energy
in India
to compensate
for the emissions that
we cannot reduce, we support two cdm
projects within the framework of the un’s
Kyoto Protocol, in Andhra Pradesh and Uttar
Pradesh, India, as well as a forestation project
in Uganda according to the Carbonfix and
ccbs standards. Whereas the cdm projects
aim to increase the use of renewable energy
by producing electricity from biomass fuels
for local needs, the focus of the forestation
project is to increase the amount of trees
which store co
The first cdm project in Andhra Pradesh
is a biomass power plant operated by Gayatri
Industries. The plant is fueled by waste from
rice husks, sugar cane and legumes. The elec-
tricity produced is sold to the state-owned
electricity grid. This reduces annual carbon-
dioxide emissions by about 21,000 tons.
Additionally, the project owner has initiated
activities for the development of the local
community, such as providing study material,
food and sanitary facilities to local schools.
Furthermore, the construction of local
schools has been supported and land has
been handed over to the local community for
the building of hostels for students. The pro-
ject has created about 400 new jobs.
The second cdm project in Uttar Pradesh
is also a biomass power plant, which is oper-
ated by Sterling Agro Industries. The plant
is fueled by rice husks to produce electricity
which is used in dairy product manufacturing.
The surplus power is fed into the local grid.
The plant provides income for farmers and
employs 100 people. Annual carbon dioxide
emissions are reduced by about 19,000 tons.
Thirdly, the forestation project in Uganda
is operated within the Kikonda Forest
Reserve. It comprises 120 km² and employs
more than 600 people. The project provides
appropriate housing, access to medical ser-
vices and school education to the local popu-
lation. To protect rare species and regen-
erate natural habitats, the project has also
set aside a significant part of the area for
conservation purposes. The carbon dioxide
emissions that are stored annually amount to
216,232 tons.
* cdm (Clean Development Mechanism), is one
of the flexibility mechanisms defined in the
United Naions (UN) Kyoto Protocol.
High quality
education for all
edita has supported
Plan International’s
school project since the beginning of 2010.
The Education for All project has been
received enthusiastically in India because its
methods differ radically from the traditional
Indian school culture. The project is being
carried out in 134 schools in the states of
Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand in northern
India. The aim is to support the development
of an efficient, safe and child friendly envi-
ronment in schools and to ensure that not
only parents and teachers but also decision-
makers grasp the importance of reforms for
As a result, 550 elementary school drop-
outs have been enrolled back in school.
Children’s clubs have been established and
they meet regularly. In addition, teaching
committees and parent-teacher associations
hold regular meetings and interest in school-
related issues among community members
and parents has increased. Furthermore,
at participating schools of the Uttarakhand
region, children’s learning results have
improved by 20 per cent.
the Baltic Sea
since 2004
, the John Nurminen
Foundation has worked to protect the Baltic
The foundation’s work is divided into
two initiatives: one focuses on reducing the
eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and the
other on improving tanker safety.
The aim of the first initiative is to ensure
that phosphorus is more effectively removed
from the waste water that eventually enters
the Baltic Sea. The goal is to reduce annual
emissions of phosphorus into the Baltic Sea
by 2,500 tons by 2015.
The Tanker Safety project initiative
was established in 2007 after the Greek
tanker Propontis ran aground off Finland.
Fortunately, no oil leaked into the sea, but
the accident was a wake-up call. The pro-
ject seeks to reduce the risk of large-scale
oil-tanker disasters occurring in the Gulf of
Finland. Particular attention is paid to devel-
opment of the work methods, data trans-
fer systems and navigation practices used at
respect europe
jukka nurminen
plan f inland
edita’s year 2011