The Finnish Olympic Committee proudly presents the Finnish Team in European
Youth Olympic Festival in Vorarlberg & Liechtenstein: 33 individual top athletes
and a World-class boys’ ice-hockey team. Since 1991, Finnish athletes have won
53 medals in EYOF winter games. 17 Finnish EYOF participants have later quali-
čed to the Winter Olympics, and 12 of them have won Olympic medals.
Naturally, we want to win ever more medals and improve our overall success, but
simultaneously we feel that participating in this wonderful event is a goal as
such. We want to send strong teams to EYOF competitions, support our teams
with the best possible expertise and inspire participating athletes to pursue their
dreams in sports.
I wish good luck to all the participants and delegations, Finnish team look for-
ward to share great festivals with you in Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein.
Peter Brüll
Chef de Mission
Team Finland
From Chef de Mission